This is an example of how to set up your buffers, and how to successfully use the MCludgeShape command to load chunky images and use them as an MShape and show it in a rather simple fasion. It was written rather hastly, it contains NO assembly code or other optimisations for ease of understanding, and is very well documented (Compared to my other sources, anyway).
* How to use :
Simple. Change the Fil$ variable to wherever you extracted the archive, make sure you have amigalibs.res in your compiler option residents, compile & run it.
* About the author :
My name is Mikkel Løkke, and I started using blitz to create lists and tables for my assembler programs. Then someone suggested starting actually doing some work in Blitz and I have been a huge fan ever since. My next Mildred Example is due shortly, and will be something much better than this :o)
Well, if you find this small example usefull in anyway, please send an E-mail to me at and tell me :o) Also if you have any questions about Blitz and/or chunky programming, either write me, or join the blitz-list maling list, but beware the traffic is about 20-30 messages pr. day. You have been warned. :o)